Daily dose of new words

1. Kafkaesque – having a nightmarishly complex, bizarre or illogical quality

” I think the ultimate nightmare is for you to get into a Kafkaesque situation where you know you haven’t done anything wrong . . . but for some reason you are not listened to and you are not being believed.”

2. Lukewarm – not enthusiastic, slightly warm

” The producer was lukewarm about her script.”

3. Vanity –  the quality of people who have too much pride in their own appearance, abilities, achievements, etc

” The handsome actor’s vanity was well-known.”

4. Promulgate – to make an idea or belief known to many 

” Her ideas have been widely promulgated on the Internet.”

5. Schism – a division among the members of a group that occurs because they disagree on something

” a schism between leading members of the party “

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